Gacon, Samuel - A Jewish editor who is known also as Samuel Porteiro. He owned the first Portuguese typography where
in 1487 in the city of Faro he printed the " Pentateuco", the first book in Portuguese ever printed in Portugal - the
"Pentateuco". According to the colophon the book was concluded in June 1487. The work was edited in Hebraic, we supose
they already used already mobile metallic characters. The only known exemplar is in the British Library.
Gaillard, German - He was a French printer who lived in Lisbon since 1519. He is Known also as Germão Gallarte
(Portuguese name); Gaillard acquired from the heirs of Valentim Fernandes in 1519 the typographical materials with which he
printed one of his first works - the "Missale Secundum Consuetudinem". |
Gannal, François - He was a French pharmacist and chemist he invented the rollers for the printing machines. In 1819 he
used a substance based on gelatine and glycerol in the rollers. |
Garamond, Claude (1499-1561) - He was a famous French founder; he dedicated his life to the study and improvement
of the types of Jenson and Manúcio. He built the first French foundation of typographical characters in 1530. The types he
printed are known in the world with the name of Garamondinos. |
Girandin, Emile de (1806-1881) - He was a French journalist, he was born in Paris. He transformed the
periodical press, he lowered the price of newspapers and turning them into a main publicity organ. He created
several newspapers such as "La Mode"(1829) and "La Presse" (1836). He also published works about the
press as the "De la Presse Périodique au XIX "(1837) and "De la Liberté de la Presse et du Journalisme"
(1842). |
Giunti (or Giunta), Phillipo (1450-?) - He was the first printer of the famous family from Florence. They had great
economic possibilities and opened typographies and bookshops not only in Florence but also in Rome, Venice, Lyon,
London, Salamanca, Madrid and Burgos. |
Gutenberg, Johann Gensfleish (1397? - 1468) - He is considered the inventor of the mobile characters
for the press - the Typography. He was born in Mainz (German) in a prosperous family. He, his father and his
uncle worked in the mint of the archbishop of Mainz; perhaps there he learned the art of precision in iron
works. In 1428 Gutenberg travelled to Strasbourg were he tried to print with the mobile characters and here he
divulged his idea. In this city, probably in 1442, he printed the first copy in the original printing press - a piece
of paper with eleven lines.
Back to Mainz, in 1450 he met Joann Fust, a rich men that lend him on interest some money. With this money
and a new partner, the melter Peter Schoffer, Gutenberg began printing in 1450 the famous "forty four lines
Bible". As far as we know he was printing almost 300 sheets every day! Experts recognise that the bible, that
contains 641 pages, was printed in ten parts. Later in 1455, caused by different interets and debts the society
was solved by the law: to Fust was attributed all Gutenberg business that includes the mobile types, the
printings press and the Bibles already completed. |  |
HELL, Dr. Ing. Rudolf - He was a German scientist and industrial worldwide known. He discovered in the twenties of
this century the "Hell Transmissor". Since then informatics and reproduction techniques have developed constantly. His work
his intimately connected with the Kiel enterprise Dr.Ing.Rudolf Hell, G.m.b.H. In 1973 he was nominated doctor honoris
causa by the Munich Technical Engineering University.