Senefelder, Aloysius (1771-1834) - He was born in Czechoslovakia and invented the
lithographic technique in 1796. This new technique requires a thin limestone and it consists in the
repulsion between water and greasy substances. A method created by Senefelder who told his
invention in "Lythography Treaty" written in 1818 that briefly consisted in the following: the stones
were drawned or written with pasty ink made up of wax soap and black smoke after that were
printed with nitric solution. The acid did not attack the writing parts that were protected by ink but
only the exposed area. By this way a quick high - relief that was inked with a bullet trying not to
make printed areas dirty, after the printing was obtained.
limestones were drew or written with pasty ink composed by wax, soap and black smoke.
Prof. Mitteren in Munich used the word "lithography" for the first time in 1805. |
Sequeira, Domingos António (1768- 1837) - He was a famous Portuguese painter considered
the percursor of the Portuguese Romantic movement. We suppose he was the first Portuguese to
dedicate himself to the art of litography (1823). |
Silva, Libânio da (1854) - He was born in Lisbon and was one of the greatest Portuguese
typographer of his time. He transformed his office in Lisbon into a school of graphic arts. He wrote
in 1908 the book called "Manual do Tipógrafo". |
Stanhope, Lord Charles (1753-1816) - As an English philanthropist he conceived in 1795 for
the first time a hand printing press totally built in iron. With new improvements in pressing and ink
systems these printing press permits one production of 100 exemplars per hour. The
"Stanhope"press arrived in France in 1814, process that Honoré de Balzac describes in his book
"Illusions perdues" (1837). |
Steinberg, Hubert H. A. (1897 - ?) - He was a German engineer was born in
Potsdam in 1897. He was the greatest stimulator of the printing industry in the
world. In 1926 he introduced the continuous assembly line, that transformed his
small factory into a worldwide scale organization - the Heidelberg organization. His
name is intimately connected since 1951 to DRUPA exhibitions in Germany. |

Toledano, Elieser (?) - He was the owner of one of the first Jewish typographic shop in Lisbon
during 15 th century. We do not know whether he practised this activity. Two works became
famous in 1489: "Novas da Lei ou Comentário do Pentateuco" and also "Comentario à ordem das
nações" both religious books. |