Ibarra, Joaquim (1725-1785) - He was a Spanish printer, who was born in Zaragosa and lived
in Madrid. He was the first to use the card to make satin-like the printing paper through pression.
Jacobi, Morits Hermann Von (1801-! 875) - He was a German physician that invented the
galvanoplasty process. |
Jenson, Nicolas (? -1480) - He was a French printer; he was sent by Charles
VII to Mainz with the intention to find out the secrets of typography. In 1461 he
lived in Venice, where he printed more then 150 works with singular characters;
this type of writting is named as "Jensonism " or "Roman"; the catholic nations of
Europe adopted the roman characters while the protestants persisted in using of
the gothic characters. |  |