- Likely date of birth of Johnannes Genfleisch Gutenberg Maine |
1454 | - Gutenberg and Fust published the Indulgence Letters of Nicolas V - a 30
lines edition. Gutenberg and Peter Schoffer published the same Indulgence Letters on a 31 line edition. |
1455 | (6 Nov.)- Gutenberg finished the printing of the 36 lines Bible; this work was mainly
attributed to Gutenberg - first book printed tipographically. Gutenberg loses the process that opposed him to Fust, having retired his all printing office and printing materials. |
1457 | (14th August)- Fust and Schoffer had printed the "Psautier of Maine", this work was the tipographical one with place, date and signature of the printers. |
1457/60 | - Printing of the Bible with 36 lines, attributed to Gutenberg. | |
1457/58 | - Printing of the Missal of Constance or special Missal attributed to Gutenberg. | |
1460 | - Was printed in Mainz "Catholican of Balbi" attributed to Gutenberg, but with no name of the printer. It is about one famous encyclopedia of the Ancian Age. | |
1461 | - The Edelstein of Ulrich Boner was printed by Albert Pfister, the first German work illustrated with wood engraving. | |
1462 | - Fust and Schoffer printed the Sacran Latin Bible with colofon and typographical mark. | |
1464 | - It was installed near Rome (in Subiac Convent) the first Italian Center printing office. | |
1467 | - John Fell created in Oxford the first printing-office foundation (England). | |
1468 | (3rd February)- Gutenberg die in Mainz. | |
1468/69 | Nicholas Jenson installed a press-office in Venice. - The "Sonnets of Petrarca" were printed in a printing-office (in Venice), equipped by the German Jean de Spire, this was one of the most considerated in the 15th century. |
1470 | - The first French printing-office was installed in Sorbonne - Paris. | |
1473 | The press was introduced in Hungary - The printing-office was introduced in Lyon by Guillaume le Roy, who printed a "Compendium Brief" of the Cardinal Lothaire. |
1474 | - In Polland, Cracovie, was introduced the printing-office. | |
1475 | - William Caxton printed in Bruges the first printed English work - "The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy". |
1476 | - William Caxton installed in Westminster the first press-office of England. - In Toulouse was introduced the press-office. |
1477 | - In Florence was published the first illustrated book on "taille douce". - In Venice was published the first bilingual dictionary. |
1478/80 | - Introduction of the Press in Geneve. - Introduction of the Press in Poitiers. |
1479 | - The Pope Sixte 4th gave order to Koln University to heretic books be censured. |
1480 | - Introduction of the first Press in Anvers. | |
1481 | - William Caxton printed in London the first illustrated book: Mirror of the World | |
1485 | - Introduction of the Press in Ruven by Guillaume le Talleur. - Publication of the "Dance Macabre", in Paris, by Guyot Marchant. |
1486 | - The first almanac appears in France. | |
1487 | - A printed book was published in Faro (Portugal): Pentatenco in hebraic, of the jew Samuel Gacon. | |
1497 | - On the 4th January was published in Oporto (Portugal), the first book totally made in Portuguese - "Constitutions done by D. Diogo de Sousa, Bishop of Oporto". This book was printed by the first Portuguese printer: Rodrigo Álvares. |
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